University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Keio University
Our Techniques
Science is evolving at a tremendous rate now. It is an era in which the amount of basic knowledge and techniques that should be acquired is enormous and increasing for those who newly jump into the field of life science and aspire to research. At Sasaki Lab, we are conducting research using five approaches: molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, cancer metabolism biology, and in vivo experimental medicine in order to capture life phenomena and create new discoveries. It can be said that it is an important experimental method for delving into and developing warp threads in wet research and various research themes at the molecular, cellular, and individual levels.

I (Atsuro Sasaki) learned these five approaches under the guidance of a super-world-class researcher. Dr. Akihiko Yoshimura (currently Professor of Keio University), who was discovered in numerous cytokine signaling studies, introduced molecular biology and biochemistry, and Dr. Richard Firtel (UCSD), a master of cell motility research using cellular slime molds. From Distinguished Professor), cell biology, and at Harvard University, Dr. Lewis Cantley (currently Professor of Weill Cornell University, Director of the Cancer Research Institute) who was the discoverer of PI3K and opened the field of cancer metabolism research. I learned translational biology (in vivo experimental medicine), which is the foundation of cancer metabolic biology and clinical application, through 15 years of training. As the explosion of knowledge in science accelerates, we will capture new life phenomena, manipulate them freely, read phenomena occurring in cells and individuals, and verify various diseases and applications for living healthier. It is becoming more and more important to master these five approaches.

GTP Project
One of the major features of Sasaki Lab is that it has research bases in Japan and the United States. At the University of Cincinnati Lab in Ohio, USA, analysis using cells and individual mice, which are the gateway to clinical application. At the laboratory of the Institute for Advanced Life Sciences, Keio University, we are conducting research that makes full use of the world's leading metabolic analysis technology. In addition to the blessed international research environment, we are developing Integrated GTP metabology that combines the world's top-level expertise and technology that all members of the GTP Group have. With one team, phenomena that appear blurry can be captured by the GTP group with clear and vivid colors, and can be picked up and analyzed in detail. We are now repeating such experiences.

For young researchers
"Enjoy science!"
I think each and every one of us has a wonderful talent that no one can imitate. I think that if you let it bloom and lift the sails well, you will open the way and lead to great success.
“How do you find and hone your talent?”
There are many ways to do it, but I think it's all about enjoying science and always being proactive, "bright" and light and easy. In my research, I tried 10 hypotheses and sometimes all of them were peke, and sometimes the experiment itself did not go well. All of these can be seen as processes, pessimism and progress. You know which one you get, right?
It has something to do with developing your talents, but I think whether you can meet a good mentor will be an important crossroads in your research life. I think there is a mentor that suits me, as there are 10 people and 10 colors. The fact that the GTP group is a wonderful group of researchers may be the biggest feature. The Sasaki Group accepts enthusiastic colleagues who want to elucidate the role of GTP in cells and individuals and to develop treatments for cancer and metabolic diseases from our five approaches. It is possible to study abroad seamlessly between Keio University and the University of Cincinnati, which will be a great plus for your career. If you feel something, please feel free to contact us.
Grant in progress
NIH-R01: Therapeutic resistance and aggressive malignancy in glioblastomas: the contribution of GTP metabolism through regulation by IMPDH2 (Principal Investigator)
UC Brain Tumor Center grant (Principal Investigator)
Marlene Harris Ride Cincinnati Pilot Grant Award (Principal Investigator)
AMED: Establishing a New Cancer Treatment Strategy Targeting the Growth Stress Relief System (Representative)
Kaken B: Elucidation of the molecular basis of GTP-driven proliferative stress relief system (representative)
CREST: Development of virus replication inhibition technology by controlling GTP metabolism (main collaborator)
National Institute of Health-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
R01: 1R01NS089815
Title: Targeting the Novel PI5P4K pathway to induce Glioblastoma senescence
PI: Sasaki
Finished grant
B * CURED – 2018 Brain Cancer Research Investigator Grant
Title: Synthetic lethal Induction of Methuosis—non-apoptotic death—in Glioblastoma
11/01/2018 – 10/31/2020 Total direct cost $ 50,000
PI: Sasaki
The Sumitomo Foundation
Title: Role of GTP energy detection system in organelle evolution
11/14/2019 – 11/30/2020 Total direct cost $ 18,000 (1 $ = 100 yen conversion)
PI: Sasaki
GTP GEEKS is engaged in GTP metabolism research using various approaches such as biochemical and structural methods. Each lab accepts master's and doctoral students (and postdocs).
If you are interested in GTP study, those who are considering go to the master's doctoral feel free to Contact Please contact us from.